New Ducklings - very cute


16 Years
Jun 11, 2008
West Plains, Missouri
My new little Crested Rouens arrived today, I thought I'd post a couple pix. Anyone have any of these little cuties?

I posted the thumbnails - to see a larger version of the photos just click on the thumbnails.

Those are just the sweetest little ducklings! Post pics when they get older too! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks everybody! As usual nobody around here is very impressed

I had no idea their little tufts (I've learned more correctly they are tufted) would be so unique. I've got one with two little tufts, one with a big tuft on top and a little side tuft, and one with a huge tuft that stands straight up. I'm going to try and keep a record of the ones I keep. I have not found many photos of these little guys.

They are my first ducks, and boy were you all correct, they are soooo cute.

Thanks again.

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