New England Snow Storm 3-8-18


7 Years
Jun 27, 2017
Metrowest- Massachusetts
My Coop
My Coop
What did you get ?

I got the Heaviest, Wettest snow I have ever had in YEARS ! Rained all day before snow started at 8pm so it stuck to everything.
About 8-10 inches. Almost took out my Run netting, and bent over some of the Bamboo fence by the Carport. No tree damage but I don't have any trees IN my yard anyway.
Many without power around here.

FYI, it is JUST Netting from the far Left to where that 'gate' fence is.


With only a little snow
Ok I am watching my neighbor get out his snow blower.. And it won't start, he's fiddling with it

WHY ?? You already shoveled out the end of the driveway. That is the worst part. All you got left is the short walk way.

:lau typical NON- New Englander
I feel bad for you. It got into the middle 20's here with no precipitation, and after a week or two of 60-70 degree temps, I am feeling kinda let down. I do it every year.:idunno I know winter is not over, but I jump the gun anyway. Your photos make me feel guilty for my self pity.:caf
@Rocky Rhodes Don't feel bad, I live here on Purpose ;) it is just something you get used to. I had plans to redo the run area anyway.
It DOES make me wish Spring comes faster now.
... but more snow on Monday :hit

@Izzychicky I wondered what you all got. Sister is in Staten Island and had 8 inches last night at 7pm. Have not talked to her yet to find out what she got
Yes, up in upstate New York we got a ton of heavy wet snow. It is such a pain, and we just had a snow storm last week. WHY?????!!!
And even worse, the chickens refuse to go outside, even with a huge path shoveled for them. Uhg. They just stay in the coop, and get it all dirty after I just cleaned it! I'm trying to entice them with scratch to come outside.

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