New from Marana, Az


7 Years
Apr 29, 2013
Hey there! I just found this site a few days ago and have decided to join to learn more about poultry and find breeders near my location.

I currently raise Blue Swedish ducks and would like to get White Giants, Black Giants, and Rhode Island Giants.
from our small farm in west Georgia!
I know of some breeders in our area, but none off-hand with those breeds
Any breeder would be great at this time since I cannot get any from online hatcheries. The CC & R's for the area that I live in only allow me to have a maximum of six of any species of animals, while the minimum ordered online can only be fifteen. I can't be too picky with breeds in this predicament lol

And thank you to everyone welcoming me! There is much more hospitality than any other forum I've experienced

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