New from Michigan


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Grayling, Mi
Hi, I'm Tina and yes I am a Newbie from Michigan. I will be moving to Northern Michigan not far from the "Holy Water" ( fly fishers will get it) next spring and am planning on having a very mini mini farm:) I am only interested in a large garden and a few birds here and there. I am thinking about a few Chickens for laying (6?), some Turkeys, and a few Guineas. They will be in their own pens and not running together except the Guineas unless they want to. I was also kicking around the idea of getting a few chickens to raise for hackles. I know I may never get anything that is top quality but a girl can always try:) I think it would be fun to actually breed chickens for their genetics only. I am sure this summer I will be having all kinds of questions for you all as I build my Coops for Chickens as well as the Turkeys and which Chickens I should start off with for eggs. I would like a few fancy birds since my layers will be pets. Thanks for reading this!
Thank you :) I have been looking at chickens and have decided that if I am going to have pet chickens I may as well get fancy chickens LOL. Any eggs I get will most likely be split between my house my dads house and a few neighbors who help out when we go on vacation. so high quantity of eggs are not a priority.


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