New from Utah County


10 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Hello all,

We are new chicken owners here in Utah. Got 2 RIR and two Ameracauna. They are only 10 days old and living in our bathroom for now. Good thing as we got 3 inches of snow this morning. I am sure to have lots of questions. My daughter in Texas got her chickens 4 weeks before us and it inspired us to finally dive in.

We would have gotten more but our local laws only allowed this many.

Thanks in advance for your future answers and help


ps- until out chickies get bigger our conure picture will have to do (we like birds)
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Greetings from Kansas, Karen, and
! Great to have you aboard! Seems like winter is really hanging on this year! Good luck to you and your chicks!
Hello and welcome from glad you joined BYC

Your avatar is beautiful !!!! I could never get enough of looking at birds like that :)

Good luck with your new peeps and we wouldnt mind seeing some pics of their preciuos fuzzy butts too

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