Nov 7, 2018 #1 clandavis In the Brooder Oct 31, 2018 9 40 47 Ventura County, Ca Took the plunge and ordered 4 day old chicks: Australorp, cuckoo Maran, Easter egger and buff Orpington! One question. The australorp chick appears to have the wing tips exoposed. Is this chick being pecked or is this normal (pic2&3)?
Took the plunge and ordered 4 day old chicks: Australorp, cuckoo Maran, Easter egger and buff Orpington! One question. The australorp chick appears to have the wing tips exoposed. Is this chick being pecked or is this normal (pic2&3)?
Nov 7, 2018 #2 sassysarah Crossing the Road 7 Years Apr 3, 2017 3,938 8,794 807 Oklahoma My Coop My Coop That's completely normal. All of my chicks had that.
Nov 7, 2018 Thread starter #3 clandavis In the Brooder Oct 31, 2018 9 40 47 Ventura County, Ca Thanks! She isn’t sensitive to contact and eating, drinking ang playing as much as the others.