New guy here - idea what breed this one is??


12 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Hey everyone - found this site through google.

I'm new to backyard chickens - built a nice enclosed mobile coop with enclosed run, and I've got four birds in there now. Two are rhode island reds that I bought so I know their breed. The other two I got for free from a friend of a friend. All are roughly 3-4 months old.

A few questions if y'all don't mind.

First of all, how soon can you tell if a chicken is a rooster? I have a suspicion about this one:

Second, any idea on the breed? She (he?) is aggressive compared to the RIRs and runs much faster. (and way harder for me to catch when I let her/him out!) It's sibling is much darker in color and more docile and basically follows it wherever s/he goes. Cheeps loudly when they are separated too.

Thirdly, and ideas on working with my dog? I don't dare trust her around them yet - that's why I built the totally enclosed coop/run. Ideally, I'd like to let the chickens free range all day long in my backyard to their heart's content and have my dog be their protector rather than their predator. At this point she's fairly interested in them, especially when they flutter around. Chase instinct, I guess.

Thanks everyone in advance. I'm looking forward to a greener lawn and many eggs. :)

Geoff in Los Angeles
hmmm weird. Tried to put it on my mobileme gallery...

Anyway, here it is...
about the dog: we have a american bulldog and they love to chase and istinct is all about eating or just tasting birds chipmunks whatever so i hear ya. my pup is only about 10 months old but we can leave him alone with the girls all day long.

it was a slow intergration we had them as babies in the house and on our laps and we would have him lay down while the chicks ran around and just made him stay telling him how good he was. then over time we took that to the yard and told him to be nice and now the chicks run all over the yard free ranging and so does he but i think he knows they are family so he is not interested in them anymore. as you can tell by my avatar they have no worries about him either. they are much bigger now but he is a good pillow still. good luck
Wow thanks! Good news on the pullet. The last thing I need is my neighbors complaining about my rooster crowing at 5am... :)

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