New Hampshire Roosters


Jan 18, 2008
Central Illinois
RIR roosters have a reputation for being the meanest. But are New Hampshire roos any nicer? I looking for a good breeder roo for my hens. But I dont want an abusive roo. Any thoughts? Thank you, Lonnie
I have a RIR roo who is as respectful of me as I could ask... He has NEVER given me one minute's problem, he is a big, beautiful boy and does his job and leaves me alone! I just had to say there are some very good RIR guys out there!!
I have a NH roo and he is VERY aggressive towards us when it comes to HIS hens. He is about 4 monthes old and BOY is he a looker. He doesnt seem to be aggressive towards HIS hens just the normal chicken behavior.

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