New Here, So excited!!!! Need to know what you put in your coop for ground cover


5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
I read where some people put sand and others straw. Can you give me some ideas and what the pros & cons are? I have three ducklings and 9 chicks. They will be moved to their new fabulous coop next week. Thank you so much!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Great thread on Sand in the coop/run Part of it will depend on where you live, some people in the north where it freezes will use something else for bedding in the coop in the winter you might want to check out your state thread for chicken keeping neighbors and what they do in your area
You might also like to check out the BYC Learning Center, lots of good articles on all aspects of chicken keeping.
i have always sworn by wood shavings because they arent smelly and they are easy to clean up. hay is also very common, though it is expensive and it gets moist easily and doesnt dry. i would recommend wood shavings for the ground and hay for the nesting box.
Some people like pine shavings. Others like the deep litter method. Pretty much goes by what materials are easier and cheaper to provide. Some toss "stable dri" in with the bedding to keep odor down.

Welcome to BYC!

Big fan of sand here. Easy to clean, no smells, flies buzz off, it stays dry when wet, you can hose it down in the summer to keep the birds cool, natural gizzard stones and they love to scratch around in it. I use it in coops, runs and even nest boxes!!!

Good luck with what ever route you choose and enjoy all your poultry adventures!

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