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In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2022
Hello I'm new to this site I currently have adult chicken ( I have 4 chickens; one rooster named grey(we this is an Americana, than bantam and red ( I forget the breed name) and yellow (golden lace wing) but this is my first time hathing eggs in an incubator and just trying to figure out what I can do to help my chick.
Hello I'm new to this site I currently have adult chicken ( I have 4 chickens; one rooster named grey(we this is an Americana, than bantam and red ( I forget the breed name) and yellow (golden lace wing) but this is my first time hathing eggs in an incubator and just trying to figure out what I can do to help my chick.
Hello and welcome to Backyard Chickens :frow Post A thread in the Incubating and Hatching eggs section and you will get a lot of advice. You can also type in the search bar and you will be able to read similar threads and the advice given. Good luck with your flock and your new babies:jumpy there is also an emergency section you can do a thread on if you are having problems.

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