In the Brooder
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens
(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
- I fostered 5 Silkies (4 hens and a rooster) for a friend in 2013
- I technically don't own them. They are feral/wild an lived here before I moved in.
- Gwen the Hen is a Leghorn, and Brewster the Rooster is a Dutch Bantam.
(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
- Reading - mainly about psychology and murder mysteries, hiking, camping, and baking
- I am a 34 year old, married, mother of two daughters ages 13 and 8, and I have a degree in Behavioral Studies from the University of New Orleans. I was born and raised in New Orleans, but now I live 35 minutes on the north side of lake ponchartrain. My husband is in the National Guard. My oldest daughter is 13, loves animals, and has become quite the animals rights activist, and an amazing artist. My youngest daughter is 8, she was diagnosed with autism, sensory processing disorder, and ADHD, but she is in gifted classes and reads at a middle school level. She's big into fashion and design. We have one cat, Chimera. He was a feral cat who adopted us.