New Illinois member


5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
Bath, Illinois
Bought chicks this past spring, ended up with mostly roosters..:( Looking for hens still.. Also looking for a male duck.. Hope to make friends and learn as much as possible.. ;)
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sorry about all the roosters. :-( Definitely stop by your state thread and chat with your chicken neighbors. Maybe someone locally has some birds for you or can take some of your roos too. Kelsie has left the link for you to the state threads.

Good luck and I hope you can find some hens soon! :)
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Sorry about all the roosters. :eek:( Did you mail order straight run from a hatchery or pick up the chicks from a local feed store or tractor supply? Whenever I order from hatcheries, I always order pullets in batches of 25 (even if I don't need that many, I am able to sell off the extra and recoup my money), and even with an all pullet order, I'll usually get a couple of cockerels. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting your hens and ducks.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

I'm sorry to hear about your many roosters! I hope you can find some nice hens to replace them.

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