Hi. I'm new at raising chickens but getting into the routine with (thankfully) few problems. I started researching about a year ago and decided I wanted to raise a single breed heritage type flock. Originally I chose Chantecler but was unable to obtain timely delivery so instead purchased 26 Buff Brahmas (second choice) this past April. I wanted a friendly, pretty breed able to handle Canadian winters. One slipped an Achilles tendon while quite young and I was unable to keep it in place. The other 25 did very well I'm happy to say. They came straight run so I knew I'd eventually have to deal with excess roosters. I didn't beat the odds, though. I wound up with 7 pullets and 18 cockerels and now have a very full freezer. Currently I have 3 males left: one with the hens and the other two isolated. The one with the hens is named Lucky for obvious reasons and the other two I'll keep until the hens start laying just to make sure Lucky can do his job. They are fenced free range now and I have a smaller secure run built to keep the coyotes out during the winter. They have a large coop so I'll probably purchase another 25 next spring and perhaps let a few go broody as time goes on. BTW - great forum.
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