New job celebration... free gifts for 20 BYCers!

rosco... like your chickens

Ok, I'll be sending keys via PM to Arizona Nessa, FayKoKoWV, JourneyII, Eastins Eggs, Cottage Garden, 4wdingman, Laney, and Joe Bryant shortly. The key codes are linked to your names, so I have to send each one separately.

Debiraymond and Iowa Roo Mom... did you wants keys too?

Spammy... I'll send you a key as soon as I've verified that you're really on BYC. With a handle like that, you can't be too careful! The ultimate goal, after all, is to be able to sell this software and make a few bucks.

Kathy, Bellville TX

Oh, if only it was "extra" money! DH's paycheck and health insurance both went away, so the first one of us to find a job had to take it. I've been working as a contract technical writer for the past 8 years, but you don't get benefits (other than working from home), and my income had dropped to less than half the usual amount. So finding this job was a blessing, especially considering the economy. Out here in the boonies, good jobs are few and far between, and this one is outstanding.

The downside is having to be at work by 6:30 in the morning to get a good parking space... work hours are 7-5, with overtime. So I'm leaving in the dark and then coming home and taking care of the chickens by flashlight. It'll be better after the days get longer, but right now it stinks!

DH has had to take over as Mr. Mom too. That's the good part! Nothing like getting home to a home-cooked meal and seeing that all the dishes have been done.


PS: We developed Chicken Trackin, which will morph into Budget Trackin and Cash Trackin, to develop a small income stream that doesn't depend on going into an office. That's the plan anyway. We've only sold a few copies so far, but I'm sure all my BYC buddies will spread the word and turn things around!

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