I have had our 5 new babies for about 5 days or so. I just have a few questions, I have been reading all the forums and searching for a few specific concerns, but maybe someone can answer a few things to set my mind at ease.
The feed store sold me vitamins and electrolytes. Said to put a pinch in a gallon of water and use it for 3 days then toss and make a new one? Is this vitamin mix good for them at all times? Or only when they are sick? I also read to use the apple cider vinager. Should this be used along with the vitamins in the water or separately? Like one day one and the next day the other?
I believe my chicks are about 2 weeks old. Maybe 3. They have wing feathers and tail feathers but fluff everywhere else. When should I be introducing them to outside? Is it okay to take them outside on a non windy warm day if I am out? I built them a little outdoor box with a wire mesh top and nothing on the bottom so I can move it to near when I will be working in the yard and take them with me.
I gave them some sand for scratching around in their brooder box. The feed store also told me to buy grit, but it seems too large for birds this size so I didn't use it. Not sure I will need to, we live in the country and have a gravel road. Is sand and rock from the yard ok to use as grit? I mean after all, that is what they would get out by themselves with a mama if they were wild no?
Also, I have one who seems to like sleeping standing up. Is this normal? She sort of leans onto another chick or anything nearby to stay more upright while sleeping. I that just a quirk or is something wrong? I read that they shouldn't be on top the other chicks else they are too cold, but they all sort of go here or there and sleep. They have space to lay under the heat lamp and far away from it, it does stay 90 degrees in there. The brooder box is about 30x36 inches or so.
One had pasty butt, I cleaned it with warm water, dabbed it dry with paper towel and put her back in the box with the rest. Is it contagious? I thought I read to put olive oil on it too. Is that right or does it have to be petroleum jelly?
I am sorry if this is scattered and long, I just want to do everything right and make sure they stay healthy.
The feed store sold me vitamins and electrolytes. Said to put a pinch in a gallon of water and use it for 3 days then toss and make a new one? Is this vitamin mix good for them at all times? Or only when they are sick? I also read to use the apple cider vinager. Should this be used along with the vitamins in the water or separately? Like one day one and the next day the other?
I believe my chicks are about 2 weeks old. Maybe 3. They have wing feathers and tail feathers but fluff everywhere else. When should I be introducing them to outside? Is it okay to take them outside on a non windy warm day if I am out? I built them a little outdoor box with a wire mesh top and nothing on the bottom so I can move it to near when I will be working in the yard and take them with me.
I gave them some sand for scratching around in their brooder box. The feed store also told me to buy grit, but it seems too large for birds this size so I didn't use it. Not sure I will need to, we live in the country and have a gravel road. Is sand and rock from the yard ok to use as grit? I mean after all, that is what they would get out by themselves with a mama if they were wild no?
Also, I have one who seems to like sleeping standing up. Is this normal? She sort of leans onto another chick or anything nearby to stay more upright while sleeping. I that just a quirk or is something wrong? I read that they shouldn't be on top the other chicks else they are too cold, but they all sort of go here or there and sleep. They have space to lay under the heat lamp and far away from it, it does stay 90 degrees in there. The brooder box is about 30x36 inches or so.
One had pasty butt, I cleaned it with warm water, dabbed it dry with paper towel and put her back in the box with the rest. Is it contagious? I thought I read to put olive oil on it too. Is that right or does it have to be petroleum jelly?
I am sorry if this is scattered and long, I just want to do everything right and make sure they stay healthy.