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8 Years
Sep 27, 2014
Hello, I am you-da-chick! today I got 1 week old barred Plymouth rock chicks. They are so irresistible :) I decided to join, since as I go along with raising them, there are bound to be some questions. I am curious, are barred Plymouth rocks normally friendly as they get older? I hear they are friendly and sometimes they are not. So far these chicks are pretty tame, will the behavior change?
Welcome to BYC! Plymouth rocks are pretty friendly. They may get into a little "teenage stage" where they don't want to be held or petted, but then when they mature they are nice again.
It's really comes to how much time you spend with them (and how many treats you give them)!

I have 3 and they are very tame and lovable.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on your new chicks! I raised some Barred Rocks this year and they are super friendly! Part of what makes chickens friendly is how they are raised. So work with them as babies. I get my chicks out on the living room floor starting in their first week of life. (lay down an old sheet as they are poopers!) Sit down on the floor with them and they will instantly jump all over your lap as they are a bit scared. But this is good because they are learning to trust you. Do this every day for 10 mins or so and they will slowly venture farther away from you. BUT...this will train them not only be friendly but they will also become lap chickens! I have waiting lines for my lap because I have raised all my birds like this. Really friendlies them up to you. By the time they head out to the coop, they will stalk you for attention, fun and your lap.

Have you stopped by our learning center yet? Lots of good articles on all the aspects of raising your new chicks including the first 60 days...

Also, on nice days, get them outside for field trips too! Use an enclosure so they can't run off or get lost. Start with 10 mins a day and you can work up from there. This will help break up boredom in the brooder. My BR's were a bit aggressive at first in the brooder and had to start my temp at 88 degrees to keep them calm. Use a red or infra red bulb too so they can sleep. And give them things to do in the brooder...cut branches for playing and roosting, working their way up to a 2x2 so they know how to roost when they get to the coop. I put a small box in my brooder to keep them entertained. Really helps with aggression if they have things to do. You can put dried leaves, alfalfa leaves, sand and chick starter in there...

Enjoy your babies and if you have any questions along way, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

The above posters have given you good advice. I've never raised this breed. But I do know that all chicks start off skittish. It is in their nature to fear things that are not of themselves.

Like Two Crows mentioned, spending time with them and cuddling them each day will help tame them. I raised two new chicks this year and they turned out super friendly. What I did was cuddle them and talk to them non-stop at the beginning. When they got to the hyper stage I took them outside and, using my same voice, called them and taught them to follow me. Then I hand fed them treats and continued the cuddling, talking and following. Now, they are laying eggs and still follow me around, sit on my lap and cuddle and eat from my hand.

Welcome to Backyard chickens. Just don't overdo the treats - they are like kids and candy, and will pass up their nutritious food for treats.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I've raised Barred Rocks over the years and mine have usually been friendly and docile, although I've had the occasional exception (but there can always be an exception with any breed). The other members have given you some good advice about giving them treats. The way to a chicken's heart is through its stomach. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your Barred Rocks.
Thanks for the nice welcomes :) I'm glad that the majority of barred rocks are nice. So far, I give them their normal food in my hand, and feed it to them. I also tried something new, I would pick one up from underneath, and put the chick under my jacket while resting on my hand. I guess its kind of like resting under a hen. They would fall asleep, is this a good way to earn their trust?
Absolutely! The more you handle and snuggle them, the more they trust and bond with you. Keep up what you are doing and you should have a very friendly flock! :)

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