New member chicKUN MUN


10 Years
Feb 20, 2009
from MA
I breed barbedos sheep,st buff bramha.sumatra's in three colors'
st & bantam turkins,turkey's naragansett.bourbin reds.midit whites
buff Quial mexican specialed .pheasant red an yellow golden 'assorted ringnecks

Don Smith aka chicKUN MUN
Winship Acres Farm
pembroke ma
from TN
Hi Don:

Just lost my buff brahma this AM. I knew she was being picked on but I thought she would be OK when I put her in the nesting box. I found her dead still in the box where I put her. About three weeks ago I lost a Comet in a similar way
I would like to replace them with 1-2 buff brahmas if you still have some but the only problem is that I believe that one of my hens (white leghorn) that I got somewhere else may be picking on the weak ones. So far the white brahmas seem OK even though they are small.

Please let me know if you still have any buff brahmas and also if you have suggestions on how to protect them short of giving the leghorn away. She is a beautiful bird but I don't want to lose any more ladies.

Hope all is well with your family and your animals.

Peg Davis

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