- Nov 21, 2015
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Hi my real name is Marie. I just started my flock of chickens on May 1st, 2015. It was only supposed to be 6 of them but it turned into 24 of them now and on December 1st I am adding the last 2. I have many different breeds. I have 10 Red Sex Links, 4 RIR's (2 Roos and 2 hens) I had another Roo but I had to give him away, 1 Mottled Java, I had 1 Buff Orpington that turned roo haha and I had to give him away, 1 Easter Egger Hen, 1 Black Australorp hen, 1 Light Brahma hen, 1 Speckled Sussex hen, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 1 Black Jersey Giant, 2 Salmon Faverolles supposed to be hens but I am worried one might be a roo and one a hen, and soon to be on Dec 1st 2 Silver Gray Dorking Hens!
I have been following threads on here since I got my chickens and finally decided on joining y'all! This is a great informative website with many threads. I posted a thread on here about my 2 salmon faverolles and if they were pullets or roos at 1 month old. Hope you all have an awesome day!
I have been following threads on here since I got my chickens and finally decided on joining y'all! This is a great informative website with many threads. I posted a thread on here about my 2 salmon faverolles and if they were pullets or roos at 1 month old. Hope you all have an awesome day!