New member from South Florida


In the Brooder
May 28, 2017
I've got two White Leghorn roos that constantly mate with my EE and my Black Copper Maran hens.
One of my BCM hens has decided to go broody and after taking her eggs every day for the past 2 months we've decided to let her.
If her eggs do in fact hatch does anyone know what I'm going to end up with?


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Welcome to BYC.

You will end up with chicks!!:lau

Seriously though...I do not know what they would look like, someone else may be able to help you with that part.
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am not sure either. But nothing like a surprise to brighten your day!!

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our roost! :)
I've got two White Leghorn roos that constantly mate with my EE and my Black Copper Maran hens.
One of my BCM hens has decided to go broody and after taking her eggs every day for the past 2 months we've decided to let her.
If her eggs do in fact hatch does anyone know what I'm going to end up with?
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am not sure either. But nothing like a surprise to brighten your day!!

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our roost! :)

Thanks for the welcome.
Do you only have a few hens? Two roosters must be breeding them constantly, a rooster can handle 10 hens, for two roosters you would need 20. Your poor hens must be worn out. Please give them a break and remove the roosters for a week or two. Or get several more hens.
BTW some of the folks on the "what breed or gender thread is this," are very knowledgeable of color genetics, try posting there. Welcome to BYC
:welcome Well Copper Marans have very dominant black color genes. They may be black from that cross .But they could also be splash. The eggs should be a very light tan color maybe even near white . With the EE you could end up either way on the egg color . Depending on the color of the EE .I'm pretty sure you'll end up with a splash . EEs have a very expansive gene pool to draw from there is really no telling . I have a blue Am over EEs of various colors . Some brown some blue splash yet the chicks are all coming out black. the pullets remain black while the cocks develop different red and browns on the head and neck with the bodies remaining black . Who really knows which gene will dominate . Or what gene will rise up from past breeding to wash out all the other genes . So post pictures of the hatch so we'll all know what you end up with . good luck with the broody incubation .:fl
We've got 18 hens and are watching them close, we've also got an overly protective turkey and 4 ducks that refuse to let the roosters get out of hand.
Thanks for the input.

It will be interesting to see what the chicks look like. Hope you'll keep us posted!

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