New Member...Hello everyone

Blue Eager

6 Years
Oct 30, 2017
I have been raising chickens for 3 years. I began this new to me adventure so my wife & I could have fresh eggs, so my first purchase was a hodge-podge of whatever I could find. I was intrigued by the color variations of the eggs produced. Then I progressed to EE & was even more mesmerized by the different colored eggs.

Now I have progressed even further to what I believe are Ameraucana Blues (hope I spelled it correctly), & Lavender Ameraucana’s for their beautiful blue eggs.

I have one handsome Blue roo & 3 hens. The roo is mostly blue with a dark saddle & dark hackles. One hen is black & the other two are splash. All of which are 1 year old (I think).

My 7 Lavenders are about 8 weeks old so I’m anxious to see how they develop.

I joined this great site to learn more about these breeds & hopefully get a positive ID for both.


Welcome to aka BYC! :frow
:yesss:We are glad you joined our flock.
Jump right in and make yourself at home.

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The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!
It is great to have you here!

I love blue chickens that lay blue eggs!

This is one of mine:

UofA Pullet on Post.jpg

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