We have got 2 Isa Browns(14weeks) in there and we have 2 chicks(2weeks old) in a brooder that will go in there as well.
The over head view was taken from our deck.
I built the Coop over a few weekends got all ideas from this site,its a great site and good info.
Looks like your in a very crowed area. Very nice job. I too love this site. We seem to get a lot of ideas every day. Thanks to you i got another one LOL Thanks Scotty
AWESOME VIEW!!! and very nice little set up, I do have a question or two....first out of curiousity...what are those white containers your using for planters? look like big coolers...
and second...the boxed frame inside the coop....whats it for?...eggs???
Very nice and neat! I especially like the tree you were able to fence into the run. Plenty of shade and lots of dirt for the chicks to scratch around in. I'll be they will be very happy in there.