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In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2016
We are the proud watchers of 7(originally 8) brown egg layers. They are 21 weeks old and we got our first egg on 8/8. On the same day we got 4 new chicks which brings the total to 11. We enjoy them a great deal and have stolen a lot of our tips, guidance, etc from here prior to registering. 2 NH Reds, 2 Black Australorps, 2 GL wyandottes, and 1 Buff Orpington. A hawk took that number from 2 to 1. We have her replacement in the brooder now along with 2 Buff Laced Polish and a White Leghorn that was the Meyer Meal Maker when we placed our last order. Our NHR was the first to lay and laid Monday and Today. Very exciting. The first egg was collected, blown out and resides on my wife's nightstand. It was exciting for the previous city girl. More good times yet to come. Thanks for the site, the information and the contributions that have helped us along the way!
Greetings from Kansas 830ttime, and :welcome. Happy you joined our community. Sounds like you and your wife are really enjoying your flock and what a cool well to remember that first egg! Best of luck to you! :)
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! Congratulations on your first egg :clap It sure is exciting when you find that first little treasure! You have a lovely mixed flock there and I wish you the very best of luck with them in the future.

Enjoy your time here on BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Welcome new member, we look forward to you enjoying our club of people that have a wealth of knowledge! Everything you need is among these pages.....of course don't be afraid to ask question! there is still so much to learn! We hope we can help in any of luck!

Autumn Farm Orpingtons
so glad you decided to join us.

But so sorry about the loss and hope the others have long, happy lives.

Congrats on getting your own flock and starting to get eggs.

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