New Member


10 Years
Apr 12, 2014
Burlington, Connecticut
Been raising chickens off and on since high school.....many, many years ago. Had success but wanted to be a member of a group for information sharing as you're never too old to learn. Currently have 2 hens gone broody with baby chicks under them. Spring is here!

Welcome to BYC!

This is the place to be when you own poultry! Oh, and how egg-citing that you have broodies and babies! Spring time is always a fun time for new babies.

Make yourself at home and welcome to our flock!
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Been raising chickens off and on since high school.....many, many years ago. Had success but wanted to be a member of a group for information sharing as you're never too old to learn. Currently have 2 hens gone broody with baby chicks under them. Spring is here!

"Don't ask God to guide you if you're not willing to move your feet."

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