New Menber


Mar 14, 2016
Panama City Beach, Florida
Hi there, Im Sallee. I moved to NW Florida from NYC to a small farm on 17 acres. I have many different breeds chickens. I have silkies, tolbunt polish, frizzlies, lavenders, wyandottes, ameraucanas,welsummer, sage gem and I'm sure I'm leaving a few out. I breed them and sell them. My Silkie, Elsa just hatched out the 1 egg she was sitting on for 22 days. This is my go place for great information. Thank you.
P.S. my Plymouth rock, Henny Penney. Shes the best chicken ever.
Hey Sallee, :welcome. Everyone has such a lovely lot of land. My 150ft yard is big by UK standards but now I’m feeling a bit hard done by!! :gigI hope you enjoy the site :thumbsup
oh thank you. please do not be. My mom passed away and I live in a separate house on my property with my step-dad. It was his idea to get chickens. Now I love them. Moving from NYC I am in a different world now, and really enjoying the country and the Gulf of Mexico. Blessings
oh thank you. please do not be. My mom passed away and I live in a separate house on my property with my step-dad. It was his idea to get chickens. Now I love them. Moving from NYC I am in a different world now, and really enjoying the country and the Gulf of Mexico. Blessings
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mum. Best wishes for your chicken adventures.

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