New pics of the 8 babies,


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
They sure grow fast, from Dec 29 to now they look almost adult! I took them outside for the first time today and they tried to climb right back up my arm! They aren't impressed with the dirt and dried grass at all. Maybe now someone can get a better idea of breeds? They aren't great pics, but for now all I have.

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They got big a lot quicker than I thought they would, but looking at the pics I think the angle made them look even bigger than they are. They've had thier red heat lamp almost 24 hours a day because of the temperature in my office. They've also been right by a window that during the day gets good sunlight. AND,,,,,, they eat like feathered pigs!!! I wonder if I over-fed them?
I don't know about the rest, but it looks like that one black one is a Turken! (but if you find out, let me know cuz I got some that look like them!)
They are great! You have them at your office? Lucky you! My first set hatched Dec 21, I wish we had some of your warm weather. It was nice today but still around 40.
There is a black and a gold Turken, a Blue Andulusian, but those are the only ones identified so far. I don't even if they are hens or roos! They are in my home office, but they are allowed to go to school with me anytime they want!
Well the first day out was a success I think, but when the sun went down and the temp went from 66 to 52 in about 20 minutes there were not happy cluckers. I went out to the pen to get them and I had 8 chickens trying to climb my legs! They had chickensicle feet they were so cold. I picked them up two at a time to take them inside and they were trying to crawl inside my shirt. I put them in their cage inside and they went straight to sleep and have been for about an hour now.
I think they look like mini-chickens at that age!

Great looking group... all except those turkens. LOL! Just kidding.. even those are cute at that age, with their little friar tuck 'dos.

The little gold Turken is a sweetheart but can really have a tantrum,, the black one is so nice,, but his looks are evil! I'm assuming it's a him because he's suddenly twice Goldies size. His name is Flat top because until the comb formed his head looked square.

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