New pics post 1 * broody has 100% hatch on 3/24!


Brown Barns Farm
11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
near Albany, New York
Our beautiful Blue Cochin "Coachie" has gone broody. She sharted to stick in the nest over the weekend so, yesterday afternoon I picked her up and put her in a little tractor we have to see if she would stay. Last night around 6pm I put 6 blue and green eggs under her and this morning she is still sitting tight. We've never let a broody stay broody before. Here she is:


She hatched 6 out of 6 eggs. Three are black and three are "chipmunk"

new babies:


Maybe I should get rid of the bator and stick with the girls. They know what they are doing.

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I have just been corrected by my 7 year old daughter. The Cochins name is Coachie not Fluffy. She explained the differences between the two. See, the eyes on her are bigger, see the comb? She is so funny. We have 4 Australorps and she can tell each of them apart. She is out there alot! Loves her birds.

BTW COACHIE is out there in her little coop snuggled down on those eggs. So far, so good.
Your daughter should meet my 11yo daughter. She has all 4 of the blue bantam cochins easily by name. I know their names, and I'm usually right, but.... sometimes I'm not. She always is!

I put the eggs under her 3/3 at 6 pm. So, I think we should have little ones around 3/24. Right? She hasn't left the nest yet but, my daughters love holding the food and water dishes for her to eat and drink out of while sitting. It's like Coachie is a little queen being hand fed by her loyal subjects. She has access to a small run if she wants to get up and do her "dooties" so we're letting her call the shots as to what she wants.

Sounds perfect. Long live Queen Coachie! Can't wait til March 24 for you! I hope she has a great hatch rate.

Now if she'll just send vibes to her blue bantam cochin sisters at my house to hurry up and go broody... I want babies badly!!!
We also have her sister, Fluffy, who is not broody. I think she is a slacker. Never in the nest, guessing no eggs. So, not broody, not laying. Geeze! Glad we love her.
My girls love checking on Coachie after school. Figure if we give her food and water in the morning and at night she should be ok. Such a sweet girl.

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