Hello everyone and let me worry by saying what an amazing site this is I thoroughly enjoy lurking around and reading about facts opinions and experiences. I am definitely interested in getting into chickens more in depth than I already am. I already have ( might as well be mine lol they are technically my girlfriend's lol) two black star (mixed?), three hatchery rirs chicks, one heritage rir rooster, one rir her (mixed?), several misc roosters that are extras from friends farm that they didn't need and yes we process chickens as well.
Here recently I have been contemplating in gaining either an already established heritage breed or blrw and raising them and try my hand at breeding. And I have since fueled that inkling by browsing through the wonderful knowledge and passion of this site.
Here recently I have been contemplating in gaining either an already established heritage breed or blrw and raising them and try my hand at breeding. And I have since fueled that inkling by browsing through the wonderful knowledge and passion of this site.