New to BYC


Nov 14, 2016
From Ohio, I have been raising 5 Bourbon red turkeys for 23 weeks.
Had seen a hen in my backyard roaming around and discovered her nest with 13 eggs. I left them alone and provided feed and water nearby. Came home one day to find her dead at the side of the road and found four chicks nearby, gathered them up in a box made a quick brooder(had been reading up on turkeys for a month) Went out back to check on the rest of the nest under the trailer found another chick laying on its side cold wet but still alive. Warmed it up did some fast research and fed it a mix of pedia-lite,poultry vitamen,24%chick starter,plain yogurt and smooth peanut butter. After 3 days it was able to stand and walk was a little wobbly. I now have 2 Toms and 3 hens.
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and Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home.
Hello there, and welcome to Backyard Chickens! I am so glad you joined us, I do hope you will make yourself at home here. Enjoy BYC! :frow

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