New to chickens and one of my girls is ill please help.


In the Brooder
Nov 26, 2015
This is my new girl O'ryan aka gold power ranger, she got this name from the slight yellow tinge she has to her face but in the past 3 weeks since getting her we've noticed she's looking paler and paler, I do keep finding runny poos but I have 4 other girls so not sure who it is as I'm yet to catch the culprit. She hasn't laid yet although my other girl started after 6 days (same age and breed) but she's also very lethargic, she will run to greet me in the morning but will then sit down and sleep. She is still eating but definitely not as much as she did at first.I tried worming her Monday night, 36 hours ago and still no improvement does anyone have any ideas please x
I have never heard of that so had to do a quick search. Which you giving, the tablets or liquid? What is the main ingredient levamisole or fenbendazole?
It's a liquid you just put two drops on their skin. The main ingredient is ivermectin
The diarrhoea seems to havery stopped just the odd one throughout day which I'm assured is usual
Hi sorry for the delay but I managed to get some pictures of poo,I do apologise they're not particularly nice to look at but would really appreciate your advice thank you
That looks like it could be blood. I would begin treating for coccidiosis as soon as possible. You'll need to pick up an anticoccistat such as Corid or Ampro. The active ingredient you need is amprolium. If you go get some then let me know what you have so we can get you proper dosing amounts. Also, I don't think the ivermectin topical is working. What you have may be good for external parasites but ineffective as a wormer in spite of what the package says. You will need something more effective preferably something with the active ingredient Fenbendazole such as Panacur 10% cattle and sheep wormer.
If it were me I'd definitely treat for Coccidiosis.
Are you in the UK? Harkers seems to be a UK product, I'm not familiar with it.

Harkers makes "Harkers Coxoid" liquid, which has amprolium hydrochloride 3.84% listed as the ingredient.
Says it's for pigeons, so you'd have to work out the dosing I think.

The amprolium I use is Corid, which is 9.6%.

There is also "Harkers 3 in 1" which says it's for coccidiosis, but I can't find the ingredient list.

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