New to chickens, confused about coops


6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Hi! I'm planning on getting 2 hens in the fall for eggs only, so no rooster. This is going to be my project because my husband works so much. My question is, is there. Way to get a put together coop? It just looks so complicated to build. Also, I really don't want predators to get my can I avoid it? One last a chicken run necessary? Thanks!!!
I would get three hens as they are VERY social. Coops can be very simple to complex to build a lot of research on this site, that's what I did, and you'll find something that will work for you. No, you don't need a run....our yard is their run...we just don't let them out when we're not around but their coop is big enough to allow for this.
Really they are not that hard to put together, Since you are only getting two maybe you should go on cragistlist and look for some kind of shipping crates or even some coops. People sell small coops on there too.

Really i think a run is needed. That way when your girls wake up they can go outside and wait for you to let them out without having to stay inside to wait on you. Gives them more room too.

predator proofing depends on what predators you have. For the coop. Any widows you have that open needs Hard cloth wire. Chicken wire SUCK! It lets things in and keeps chickens in. It can rip very easy. As for the run, put some wire on the bottom of the run or dig it under the ground and put rocks around it.

Also maybe a prefab coop will fit you better, how much can you spend? <--Get some Ideas from here, Alot of people who have small numbers like two, use dog houses as well. <--This one right here is really simple and dose step by step. Wouldn't be all that much to make neither, and since you have two you could make it about that big. (Would be roomy they would like it) Or you can use the 4sq per foot bird rule. Or 3sq foot per bird) <--See how they put the stone stepping blocks around? You could do that as well.
Your local feed store should carry smaller ready to use coops. You can also try looking on craigslist. Good luck :)
Thank you guys so much, ill keep my eyes open on CL, and check out the links!
Toshi! I just looked at the "easy" have a lot of faith in my skills :)
Toshi! I just looked at the "easy" have a lot of faith in my skills

Lol, well you could even try and have someone else make it for you. Cragslist is always a place to look first.
Why not take a trip out to your local Tractor Supply and spend a few minutes looking at their chicken coops. You will find it is surprisingly simple design. Maybe a up close inspection may help you visualize how it would go together.

If you are planning on building a small coop, a small run would be appreciated by your chickens. Even if you build your coop with space underneath, access to that little stretch underneath would be great.
Another way is to re-purpose something already built, like a small shed or dog house -- you just add nesting boxes, roost and pop door so that is another option and there are LOTS of pictures here of people that have done that to look at. If the hens will be out in the yard/field/large pen/fenced area you don't need a run, but if they will not be, then yes, you should have a run.

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