New to chickens- how do I help my very sick 5 1/2mo old?


5 Years
Sep 15, 2014
My 5 1/2 Cochin is extremely lethargic. For 24 hours she hasn't eaten or drank any water. Her breathing looks labored, she opens her beak when she inhales. She doesn't move much but won't let me catch her. I put my ear on her back to listen to her breathing (at night when I could get her in the coop) and it sounds wet!! She is my 4 year old daughter's bird, I would like to save her. If anyone knows what this is, I need to know if it is contagious, we have 4 other birds. They free range during the day so I don't know what she could've gotten into.
I wanted togive her an eye dropper of water but it seemed like she would choke.
Welcome to BYC. Have you noticed any diarrhea or blood in poops in her? It sounds like she could have either coccidiosis or possibly a respiratory problem. When chickens are very sick from cocci, they may start having problems breathing. To get some fluids in her, you may want to offer her liquid by holding a small water cup to her beak as often as possible. Electrolytes in the water tonight would be good. It would be easier to probably put her in a box in the house to care for her. Symptoms of coccidiosis are lethargy, puffing up, weakness, poor appetite, diarrhea, and ruffled feathers. Treatment is Corid or amprollium for 5 days from the feed store cattle section if you think that might be her problem. If you feel that it may be a respiratory disease, then Tylan 50 injectable would be the best treatment, given orally at 1 ml daily for 5 days. Has it been very hot where you live?
She hasn't been able to make any clucks or chicken noises either.
That sounds more respiratory. Is there any mold or wet conditions in your coop and run? How is your ventilation? Here is a link about the common respiratory diseases:
I have had 3 chickens die in 4 months. We took one to necropsy today and they said ovarian cancer. What confuses me is that one of the other ones that died had exact same symptoms. 5 weeks of waisting away.
How can they die 3 months apart from cancer? They are 41/2 years old. Anyone have similar situation?

She looks just fine. Definitely not wasting away, this was a drastic change from the dominant hen to lethargic hen overnight.
I just saw her poop when I went outside, runny and thin in consistency and super white with green bits, quarter or more sized.

Thanks for the input I appreciate it. It must be a respiratory issue but her symptoms didn't match any of the descriptions from the link.

It has been chilly here, 40F at night and 60F during the day, first cold snap for them. Their coop is very well ventilated, I use coarse pine shavings for bedding which stays pretty dry and I change it weekly.
In case this helps someone in the future, my chicken has completely recovered, she just had a "cold" or respitory infection. She showed interest in food (scrambled eggs and cooked apples). Also, I used an herbal product called VetRX but otherwise she recovered on her own.

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