New to Chickens


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
We just recently purchased two of the following Ameracucanas, Gold Laced Wyandotte, White Leghorn, and Rhode Island Red. Is there any certain things we should know? I have done a lot of research. We are in the process of building our coop, I have decided to put linoleum on the floor of the coop to make for easy cleaning, do any of you do this? Any advice would be great Thanks

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on your new flock! Sounds like you will have a colorful egg basket! Be careful with linoleum as it can be very slippery if they jump down on it. So make sure your litter is very deep so they don't hurt themselves on this slick surface. If you have questions about building your coop, you can also ask this question in our Coop Construction section here on BYC for lots of help with this and any other issues you might run into...

Enjoy all your poultry adventures and welcome to our flock!

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