New to chickens


May 13, 2015
Hey all! My name is Nicole, I live in Northern Colorado just about 30 mins from the Wyoming state border, I'm completely new to all things 'chicken' and have been searching this site multiple times a week for about 2 months now so I figured I should just join. :) I have 3 Wyandottes, 2 golden laced, 1 silver laced, who are approximately 8 weeks old. I'm ridiculously overwhelmed, so I'm hoping to calm my nerves and get the hang of chicken raising with help from you guys here.

Thanks for reading!



Lorelai, Rosie, and Henny Penny
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They look young, I'm new too! I did the same as you, I first got 5 chickens, without knowing what to do!! I thought I would be cleaning out their house everyday! But all is good except I'm down to 4 chickens now. I sometimes make water with electrolytes in them because its been 100 degrees here. Good luck on the chickens!
Welcome to BYC, Nicole. Glad you decided to join our flock. You have a beautiful flock and I love your pullet's names. Thanks for posting the pic. :eek:) Definitely check out our Learning Center at There is loads of useful information there that will keep you from making beginners' mistakes. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
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