New to Guineas


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 9, 2013
i got some french guineas for the first time last weak and i was wondering about their size, personality, flight, eating habits, ect. please help, need information
You're supposed to do your homework before you buy Guineas, lol not after.

If you do a BYC search for French Guineas, it should pull up plenty of threads for you to glean all the info you need.
There is also a lot of info about guineas on the internet - sites that are constructed just for educating guinea owners, and those who are new to guineas. This site, as Peeps said, has a ton of info that will help.
Mine are quite large. They are excellent flyers as well as alarm clocks....they are very loud and always seemed spooked. I love them though.

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