Hi everyone! My name is Jenna. I am from upstate NY and I am a newbie to poultry. I am a new mother to two pekin ducks my uncle so generously bought my daughter for Easter without my permission but then I went with it and added on to the funny farm. We have a two week old rouen and a two week old blue Swedish, and we did have a two week old magpie but she passed in the night (I will talk about this in another thread) I also have two three week old African geese and 19 chicks. My husband built a lovely outdoor hoop coop and we picked up a cute kids playhouse for $50 on craigslist that we repurposed for our ducks and geese. We have yet to build an actual wooden coop for our chickens because we are getting some quoted through the local amish. I will end up with twelve chickens as seven we are raising are Cornish cross for butcher in about seven to eight weeks which I still don't think I will handle well. My other chicks are a mix of Americauna's, Salmon Faverolle's, Black Australorps, Silkies, a Cuckoo Maran, and a Welsummer. I should also mention I am raising a two year old daughter as well as taking care of two large canines and two felines. My job is never done, but it's fun!
Hoop coop shown on left.