New to raising chickens, but loving it so far!


In the Brooder
May 12, 2015
Hello all! Just started with chicks this March. I've been on BYC daily and often more than once a day. So much info here! Love all the posts and to hear how much everyone enjoys their flocks. I'll have tons of questions for sure...
Welcome to byc , I only joined 4 days ago when I got my 3 lil Darlings and I too am lovin being a chicken keeper too lol
This site has been so helpful and everybody are so nice and caring, your so lucky to have chicks what breed do you have? good luck with finding the answers to your questions
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Nice to have you join us! Definitely feel free to ask any qunesinton you may have. What breeds of chickens do you have?
So glad you joined the flock. Have you explored the Learning Center, it has answers to questions you don't even know you have yet. huh! You know what I mean.
Thanks for the welcome! I have 2 white leghorns, one Rhode Island Red, a barred Rock, and today I inherited an odd chick that I cannot identify. I will definitely be posting to the "What Breed Is This" forum! This new chick is like Houdini, has escaped many of my attempts at containing it. The previous owners left it free in an apartment so it is accustomed to freedom! I am all for free ranging, but not on carpet...

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