New to raising chickens in Southern California


6 Years
Jan 3, 2014
Hello everyone, I am new to raising chickens for eggs, also they will be pets, I have some questions.
What should be on the inside of the coop itself beside the nesting boxes?
The size of the coop itself is 4'x 6' x 4' and the run is 8' wide and 27' long with a pond.
I am planning 4 hens.
Should I just feed the what grows naturally in the run? I have planted natural growing seed in the run.
What kind of garden scraps do they eat?
I was told that I could build a insect domain in the end of the run would this provide enough food for them?
Thank you for the feed back.
chickens need a commercial feed for most of their dietary needs. Garden scraps and insects are good but not enough. I would really recommend checking out the Learning Center, it covers everything that you need to know about raising chickens.
Alright and
glad you could join us

What did I hear that right just grass and bug's

Are you sure it's a coop and not a holding cage

We eat all kinds of stuff like grains and wheat and some times
corn all kinds of veggies

I like my chickens nice and fat not that bonnie Gisele

For us to produce eggs we need a well balanced diet everyday

We think you need to check out the feed store

Inside the coop chickens need 4 sq.feet per bird, and in the run 10 sg.feet per bird. I have no idea how many birds you plan to have. You mentioned a pond in your run, I'm assuming that is so you don't have to water the birds but, chickens and especially young chicks could drown in it. If you grow vegetation inside the run, they will have it plundered in no time.

It may sound like a effortless way to have chickens but, as others have pointed out, they need a base of good chicken feed that can be augmented by greens, and insects etc. Layers need their layer mix or a good quality feed with oyster shell on the side for calcium requirements. Please rethink some of your plans.
Inside the coop chickens need 4 sq.feet per bird, and in the run 10 sg.feet per bird. I have no idea how many birds you plan to have. You mentioned a pond in your run, I'm assuming that is so you don't have to water the birds but, chickens and especially young chicks could drown in it. If you grow vegetation inside the run, they will have it plundered in no time.

It may sound like a effortless way to have chickens but, as others have pointed out, they need a base of good chicken feed that can be augmented by greens, and insects etc. Layers need their layer mix or a good quality feed with oyster shell on the side for calcium requirements. Please rethink some of your plans.

Well said and that is about it ....

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