New to raising chickens!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
I'm sure I have RIR chickens not sure. But I have some questions on how will i know they will be laying eggs. I dont know how old are they but there combs have grown in and i placed hay in the houses today but they look uninterested. any help guys?
Welcome from Georgia!! Sure but not sure, I know the feeling. If you could post some pics it would help If they have grown nice combs and wattles and it's really red looking, then it probably won't be long. Good luck, and
Heres a pic of the one we call Beetle and here the rest Angelica Leedle and boodle
:yiipchick Welcome from Georgia!! Sure but not sure, I know the feeling. If you could post some pics it would help If they have grown nice combs and wattles and it's really red looking, then it probably won't be long. Good luck, and :welcome
That's a wild comb on Beetle!!!

They don't look like RIRs to me, more like the pictures of Welsummers I've seen. I'm a newbie, too. :p

One of my RIRs laid at 17 weeks and the other hasn't done anything yet and is now 23 weeks. :)
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I think you right have any idea if theyre ready?
That's a wild comb on Beetle!!!

They don't look like RIRs to me, more like the pictures of Welsummers I've seen. I'm a newbie, too. :p

One of my RIRs laid at 17 weeks and the other hasn't done anything yet and is now 23 weeks. :)

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