New to this chicken thing.


Mar 26, 2015
I just picked up some 8 day old chicks and was wondering if anyone might have an idea of the breeds? Any help would be nice. Thank you for any info.
I just picked up some 8 day old chicks and was wondering if anyone might have an idea of the breeds? Any help would be nice. Thank you for any info.
The white ones could be White Rocks, White Leghorns, or other common white breeds. The black ones with white heads are probably Barred Rocks. The reddish colored chick is a Red Sex-link. The striped chick in front is probably a Welsummer or Light Brown Leghorn.
Black birds with white spots on heads: Barred Rocks
White birds: White Rocks or White Leghorns
Reddish bird: Red Sex-Link
Little brown striped bird: Light Brown Leghorn or Welsummer, probably.
Brownish-black bird in the upper center with puffy cheeks: Easter Egger.
Thank you for the info. It should be fun to see how many Hens/Roosters we have. We have 3 15 month old Autralop hens, 4 2 month olds... 1 Top Knot rooster and 1 Top Knot hen, 1 Bantham rooster, and 1 Butter Cup hen, already. This chicken raising is fun. We are slowly introducing the "teenagers" to the older hens. So far so good.

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