I wanted to try out some backyard turkeys. I didn't want to be in it for the long haul so I decided to experiment with the Broad Breasted Bronze. I decided on these birds because of the fast maturity rate, 18 to 24 weeks and they are table ready. I figured if I didn't enjoy raising them it would be only until thanksgiving. Turns out I LOVE them Turkeys
I now would like to try a heritage pair for breeding and I can us the offspring for the table and sell any others. I have 1.5 acres fenced that keeps my flock of 13 chickens happy. They don't use half of it yet. I have a 6ft. fence with no top rail. Some places a little higher. I'm looking for a heritage breed that my set up would good for them. I really like the Bourbon Reds. They get good scores in personality and flavor on the table. But what about flying and wandering? Id like some birds that will stay as close as possible. Any suggestions or advice I would greatly appreciate.
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