Newbie chick mom


Mar 14, 2018
Hello - 2nd year of chicks for us. Last year we had 8 silkies, 4 turned out to be roos and 2 sadly died. This year we decided to add a few more fancy chicks and a few good egg layers so this years chicks include 1 d’uccle, 1 Cochin bantam, 1 m.houdan, 1 frizzle, 3 olive eggers, 3 araucanas, 3 ameraucanas, 4 Black copper Marans and 1 cuckoo maran.... eagerly awaiting to see who will be a he and who will be a she !
My silkies are not the best layers but they are beautiful especially my little splash.
Before owning chickens I was deathly afraid of birds.... can’t say I’m cured of that but I do like my own chickens !
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Welcome aboard to BYC family gr8 people tons of information loads of fun enjoy shake your tail feathers
Yes, silkies aren't the greatest layers but, as a whole, they tend to be the best broody hens. When they do go broody (a hormonal thing) they will sit on eggs and hatch them. You can even swap out their eggs and put fertilized eggs of any breed under then. They will hatch them and raise as their own chicks. Many people keep silkies just for this reason. Some call them "silkie-bators," as they replace incubators and do all the work.

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