I'm fairly new to BYC & have really been impressed with the wealth of information on here. I had chickens years ago, but haven't had any for a long time. I just recently decided to get some again & we just got our remodeled shed made into a coop & the run finished & moved the chickens into it. It's been a horribly hot summer here in KS, so it's been slow going with the coop & run, but we finally made it, except for a few minor details. Right now I have a mixed flock for laying just to try out some breeds I haven't had before. I have Barred Rocks, Red Stars, Americaunas, & a Columbian Wyandotte, none of which have laid yet. In the brooder I have two Black Australorp & a Golden Laced Wyandotte pullet & a Partridge Rock Roo that are 3 weeks old. I also have 9 young Guinea keets, which I have never had before. 2 are Pearls, 4 are Lavenders, & 3 are Pied. They range from a month old down to 2 weeks, this will be a new experience for me. I'm also looking forward to getting 4 young True Aracana pullets from someone on this board soon & am very excited about that. I'm becoming very interested in that breed. At present I don't have plans to raise my own chickens, but who knows what I will decide in the future. I'm becoming very chicken obsessed since getting these new chickens. That seems to be a theme on here!