Newbie! Help please(: Indoor chickens??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 13, 2012
Hi, I just joined and have never owned a chicken before in my life, so I have lots of questions! :) My dad(I'm a teen) has been planning on getting chickens for a long time, but that was set back when he broke his ankle(got the cast off today!) and I've been wanting to own my own indoor(for the most part) chicken ever since. I've done research and found silkies to probably be the best choice for that. Is that true? My dad would have his backyard flock of 6 or so while I would have my little one. How time consuming/work is an indoor pet chicken? Could it stay outside with the rest of them while I'm at school? Or should it stay inside with my stepmom(works at home) so it doesn't become more of an outdoor chicken? I really want to bond with her, any suggestions on how? A big problem is my parents are divorced, and I spend more of my time at my moms house instead of my dads house where the rest of the chickens will be. Is it too stressful to transport a chicken/chick in a car? My dad wants good egg layers, which aren't really silkies. So he'd be getting another type of bird while I get my silkie(if that's what happens). Would she be too lonely as the only silkie? Would she be too lonely as the only indoor chicken even if I'm spending time with her?

I know that was a lot to read, so thanks so much for any help!!!!!!!!!! <3 :)

I have had a few indoor chickens (at least part time indoor) chickens. A couple were a pair of silkies that slept inside at night but went outside with the other hens during the day. Right now, I have a pair of Serema's that live outside in their own inclosure during the day and come inside every evening. My roo, Buttercup, wears a diaper, but the one I got for Lilly is too small, so we just pick up her little poops
, as they are allowed to roam around until they settle in on my shoulders (where they are right now) to go to sleep. Of course, they don't actually sleep there, we have a 2x2 ft wire cage on the floor that they sleep in. They are the sweetest chickens, and if you really want indoor chickens, I would recommend them over silkies. I love silkies, but they can be kind of...uhhmm.. dumb, and not necessarily friendly. Serema's are very tiny and could easily be kept indoors all the time, but I would not keep just one, they need a friend. You don't want a rooster crowing in your house all day, so you should get a pair of pullets. Don't worry, even with two, they will still bond with you.
The biggest problem I see here is that you want one chicken. They're very social animals, and they're not like dogs that can bond with you. They need each other, and they bond with each other. Silkies, especially, need a buddy if they're going out with the other chickens, or else they'll be picked on. Traveling with them also stresses them out.

If you want an animal that you can transport back and forth, and keep just one of, I would recommend a small dog or a rodent, not a chicken. They've been raised for millenia as farm animals, not indoor pets, so they have the tendencies of farm animals. You cannot housebreak them. About the only training you can do is teach them where the food comes from. They don't seek much attention and love from you, except to fulfill their general needs like food and warmth. Some can be more friendly than others, and silkies rank right up there with sweetness, but they won't give you the response that a dog, cat, or even a rodent can.

I'm not saying that it's a bad choice for a pet. I had a couple of silkies for awhile. They were fun, and I loved putting them on the linoleum floor as they walked around (pooping everywhere) and eating piles of rolled oats and my extra sweet potato pancakes. But when I took one out of the cage, the other cried until his brother came back. They need each other. Also, they get very stinky very fast, which is something that your parents are bound to badger you about if you're a few days late cleaning the cage.

On a good note, if you do have two of them, they're fairly quiet (if they're pullets) and easy to care for. Your stepmom won't have to be constantly letting them out while you're at school, and they'll be pretty content to sit in their cage until you can come home and offer them treats.
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I have an indoor hen that I got from a girl selling chicks individually. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a lot of time. Because I have college, my hen goes out in the day and in at night in a cage, which have to clean A LOT.


I think if you wanted you could let your bird out in the day with the others and it be fine if they don't pick on it. However you won't know that unless you're there, so I'll tell you what I know from experience with a single pet chicken.

I got a 2 day old chick that I raised by hand alone with out other birds. She bonded with my family like we were her flock and in the day time she scratches and roams our back yard. When we're outside she's there with us and at dusk she comes to the door to be let in. She started laying eggs a few months ago, then went broody. Her eggs aren't fertile so I got her fertile eggs. Now I have them too.

When the birds hatched I ended up with a very small and weak bantam chick I had to raise by hand and now that bird is attached to me and absolutely dislikes the other birds and refuses to socialize with them. So now I have a single chick again away from the main group an trust me it's very demanding, especially for the first few weeks of their life because they will cry if you leave them alone. On the bright side, my little baby loves me to pieces and even somehow manages to climb up me while I'm standing to rest on my shoulder and snuggles with me when I hold it. VERY AFFECTIONATE! But not all birds are this way. Even if you raise them from a chick. My hen is very aggressive now since she went broody. (My bird is an Old english game bantam mix btw and is the one in the avatar I took today.)

THIS chicken doesn't mind car rides, while my EE is TERRIFIED of them and I have to make sure she doesn't see outside when she's in a car. That depends on the bird.

Will you have a lot of time to dote on this bird? You're a teenager like me. Will school, friends, your family arrangements, college, jobs, etc keep you from spending a lot of time with it? If so I don't suggest a single bird. Would your family spend time with it as well? My mom helps out when I'm away but always puts up a fight.

You seem to love chickens so I wish you luck!
Thanks for sharing your story/advice:D From other people's advice I've decided to get 2 silkies, so one wouldn't be picked on. :) I'll have time for them:D I mostly stay home, and my parents will help with them/her(if one stays inside more than the other). Btw I like you're picture!:) Cute chicky!

I have an indoor hen that I got from a girl selling chicks individually. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a lot of time. Because I have college, my hen goes out in the day and in at night in a cage, which have to clean A LOT.


I think if you wanted you could let your bird out in the day with the others and it be fine if they don't pick on it. However you won't know that unless you're there, so I'll tell you what I know from experience with a single pet chicken.

I got a 2 day old chick that I raised by hand alone with out other birds. She bonded with my family like we were her flock and in the day time she scratches and roams our back yard. When we're outside she's there with us and at dusk she comes to the door to be let in. She started laying eggs a few months ago, then went broody. Her eggs aren't fertile so I got her fertile eggs. Now I have them too.

When the birds hatched I ended up with a very small and weak bantam chick I had to raise by hand and now that bird is attached to me and absolutely dislikes the other birds and refuses to socialize with them. So now I have a single chick again away from the main group an trust me it's very demanding, especially for the first few weeks of their life because they will cry if you leave them alone. On the bright side, my little baby loves me to pieces and even somehow manages to climb up me while I'm standing to rest on my shoulder and snuggles with me when I hold it. VERY AFFECTIONATE! But not all birds are this way. Even if you raise them from a chick. My hen is very aggressive now since she went broody. (My bird is an Old english game bantam mix btw and is the one in the avatar I took today.)

THIS chicken doesn't mind car rides, while my EE is TERRIFIED of them and I have to make sure she doesn't see outside when she's in a car. That depends on the bird.

Will you have a lot of time to dote on this bird? You're a teenager like me. Will school, friends, your family arrangements, college, jobs, etc keep you from spending a lot of time with it? If so I don't suggest a single bird. Would your family spend time with it as well? My mom helps out when I'm away but always puts up a fight.

You seem to love chickens so I wish you luck!
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Okeeeeey I will!! We dont get them until April 23 though D: So don't forget to look then! But I'll post pictures of my dads leghorns and andalusian chicks who get here in march :D It's still like 3 months away t~t But oh well! Lots of time to build a coop and be prepared:D

Thanks and yup no problem! I'm glad you can :D Post pictures when you get them!!!
All I have now IS indoor birds but we're moving soon and in a few months I should have a coop and all that. It's an exciting thing to wait for though~~~
Totes! & good for you!~ So if I end up having any questions when I get them I'll be asking you:D
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