Newbie here!


Jun 7, 2017
Hello, new member :)
My husband and I (and our 2 little boys) just became the proud owners of 34 chickens back in March. We have a mixture of Production Reds from Tractor Supply, an Easter Egger rooster, Ameraucanas, Whiting True Blues, and 1 Partridge Cochin.

My bestie referred me to this site since she has a few chickens herself and said you all have been super helpful!
I'm looking forward to all the information and fun to be had.
Welcome to BYC, unless your Ameraucanas came from a breeder, they are most likely EE's. You can post photos of them at "what breed or gender is this to get their opinions.
Welcome to BYC, unless your Ameraucanas came from a breeder, they are most likely EE's. You can post photos of them at "what breed or gender is this to get their opinions.
Got them from McMurray hatchery. They're said to be Ameraucana/Araucana mix. Just easier to type one breed instead of 2 :)
Hello and welcome to BYC.

You'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre - and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

Each week, various topics are discussed, which can also be a great resource -

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area -

All the best


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