I brought home 12 pullets and 1 rooster today from Russell Feed Store in Saginaw, TX. We had already built a 55' x 12' run with an 8' x 4' raised, fully enclosed chicken coop built at one end under a carport for extra shade and protection. I was originally preparing to get older pullets that were already starting to lay, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get them afterall and had to switch to chicks. I spoke to the manager there and she said that I needed Chick Starter, pine shavings, a waterer, and a heat lamp for any time it dropped below 55 degrees. I asked how old they were but she didn't seem sure. She said I should expect them to start laying in about 5 months.... so how old does that make them? I have read on here various opinions about temperatures at different ages, but don't know how old they are. I don't know what "fully feathered" looks like yet as I have nothing to compare them to. They drank a little over 1/2 gallon of water today and about 2 cups of the chick starter. Should I worry about how much they look like they are also eating pine shavings? Oh and we have (we think) 3 White Leghorns (one is a rooster), one possible Red Sexlink, and the rest are supposed to be Ameraucana (although one has a distinct bandit mask that the rest don't - she's in the middle there.) Its been 80 to 90 degrees during the day here and 60 to 70 at night. I am worried because tonight is the first night and also because I see that later in the week we have a cold front and night temps of 39 Sorry so many questions - I have read books but they make my head swim with "Yes but...." questions. I think people are a much more helpful resource, LOL!