Newbie - looking for Chickens


May 1, 2015
Hi everyone I'm here in Marietta Ga, we are wanting to get our first Chickens and Rooster. Does anyone know where to start? My son in law has raised both in Puerto Rico. We have one small indoor dog, and 2 inside only cats.
Welcome to BYC. Do you have a specific reason for wanting chickens? For example do you want layers, or meat birds, or more of a pet or lawn decoration? Is there a particular breed you want? The more we know, the better we can assist you. Do you want young chicks or mature birds?

Have you checked out the Learning Center - it's a great start for a chicken education. There is also a coop section with many styles and sizes, that might interest you. If you would like to know what is happening chicken-wise in your area, you can locate and post on your state thread at "where am I, where are you," in the social forum.
Welcome to BYC!

If you're looking for a small flock of egg layers and aren't particular about breed, you can usually find them on your local Craigs Listing, or you may have neighbors that have a flock they want to downsize, or check your area for farm swaps. There are also a lot of hatcheries where you can order birds online (Cackle, Meyers, Murray McMurray to name just a few).

Good luck to you.
Welcome from Middle Georgia!

IMO the first place to start is reviewing the ordinances for your area. Here's link to Marietta:

If this is up to date, you cannot have a rooster. Before you get your flock, do check on how many chickens you are allowed to have and any specifics about coop, run and management of them. It would be very sad to get them and have to rehome them. Even a wealthy celebrity in the Atlanta area had to relocate their entire flock due to violations of the ordinances.

There are a lot of GA folks near you, and I would suggest posting on Yo Georgians threads. Hopefully there's someone close to you who can help with locating resources closer to you.

Glad you have joined us, good luck with all.

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