Newbie says 'hello'

Missa Chickabee

7 Years
May 27, 2012
Northern Minnesota
Hi All,

I'm brand new to the forum but feel like I know some of you from my reading.

You have been insturmental in helping me to direct hubby with all your good info as he is building "La Coop". (he doesn't know how to build small). We are located in Northern Minnesota so went with cold-hardy Buff Orpingtons (15). They 'threw in" 3 leghorns. Straight run. So we'll see.

Have gathered eggs and cleaned a coop in the past but this is the first time we have had our own. Our 14 year old beautiful puppy recently said good-bye to us so you can imagine the mothering these new babies are getting. I'm amazed at the personalities. Two come running and want to be held every morning. THey are 4 plus weeks old.

Looking forward to participating...probably mostly with many questions. I hate to say this, hubby says I'm a bit obsessed with my chick-chooks.

Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us.
Hello Cheryl and :welcome

That's a pretty cute story, about your chicks. They are very interesting to watch. :p Enjoy having them round!

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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