Newbie....SOOOOO excited!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 1, 2010
Western MA
Hello all,
Just joined the forums a few days ago, reading as much as possible about raising chicks...And I just had to share!!!...My babies came today!! I got 5 EE fom cackle hatchery from the city pullet special, and boy are they adorable! All 5 seem to be very happy and healthy..started drinking and eating right away , I am such a proud momma!!! My hubby thinks I'm crazy! Can't wait to post some my family is looking at me like WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE DID MY REAL MOM/WIFE GO! I figured if I posted here at least you all won't think im crazy at being so excited over my little fluff balls!
Can't wait to chat with you all and learn as much as possible about raising my new babies.

proud momma of 2 shelties, one malchi, and 5 EE
Hi there and welcome! Girrrl, I feel ya about having your new babies and being so excited! We've had our birds almost a week & I am up to my eyeballs in all things chicken these days! I didn't get chicks, though, went with young pullets instead. Four of my birds are 2-3 months old, and one is about 4-1/2 months old. I have 5 girls, all different breeds--1 Rhode Island Red (Rhoda), a white leghorn (Felipa), a barred rock (unnamed but temporarily being dubbed "Juanita"), an ameraucana (Bertha), and a welsummer (Martha). Hubby and I noticed last night that we gave them all names that end in A--purely coincidental, too!

Your family and husband may think you're crazy, but they won't think that when they've got fresh eggs on the breakfast plate!

Welcome to the flock!

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