newbie that loves birds


8 Years
Feb 26, 2011
I am a girl that loves al birds and hopes in near future to build a coop to start raising chickens.I also hope that we all can be great freinds in the near future and help each other out:) I hope to meet more people later through this site that can help me ,thanks for lisining(fail, I fail at spelling too).
Welcome to BYC, 58TY, and welcome to the addiction! Have a look around, you're sure to find some great information on the basics of raising chickens. After visiting BYC, you'll find that you've become very advanced in what we call 'chicken math', where 'you just can't have one', and you see more and more breeds that you fall in love with. Have fun!
thanks and I will be following around the direction you were talking about considering my friends all show stock
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