

In the Brooder
Oct 30, 2015
So Cal
Hi fellow chicken lovers, I am completely new to keeping chickens and cannot believe the fun they are bringing with their own personalities. I bought four Chickens at 10 weeks old in august, 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Buff Orpingtons, first discrepancy was one of the Buffs turned out to be an Easter Egger, few weeks later decided it was a Rooster. Well that was ok we can keep Roosters. Fast forward and turns out the Reds are both Roosters! Question is is my beloved Hetti a Rooster too? I am hoping someone can please tell me not! I have uploaded a couple of pictures and would appreciate your opinions, thank you


Sorry, but that one is also a rooster :(
Thanks for confirming, I started having my doubts this week, he is such a friendly bird and follows me around everytime I go outside, so I guess I will have to try and rehome them and find myself some hens! How long can I keep them in together, are they likely to start fighting? I do have a chicken tractor so I can separate them. I will keep the buff and try and rehome the rest which is a shame as I have become quite attached to them. I guess I can stop looking for eggs now!
Sorry for the bad luck! With no hens to fight over they probably won't fight at all. Even my roosters, who have hens, don't fight because they've got the pecking order sorted out and respect it. With yours all having grown up together you're probably fine.
Hello and :welcome
We are glad you joined us!

Lovely bird, but it does look like a rooster to me. Sorry.
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